Smart Ways to Shape Up During Christmas Season

dining table christmas season

Come Christmas season, we generally let loose and let go of our diet and workout plans. However, one must bear in mind that whatever your body is after all the festivities will be the foundation you will have to work with once January hits. So if you can, opt to invest more in your body’s “foundation” so that staying healthy won’t be such a struggle. Here are a few tips to help keep healthy and fit:

Water up!

When things get busy, we often forget crucial and simple things, like drinking water. If you must, set a “water alarm” on your phone to remind you to keep sipping. Water will not only keep you hydrated but will also help keep your skin looking good.

Keep Snacking

Apart from the 3 main meals, it is a good idea to keep snacking. Good snack options include fresh fruits. Keep a banana, apples, or oranges in your purse or car for instant snacks that are easy to eat. Avoid snacking on junk food in order to keep the body from excess sodium and MSG. Keeping away from junk food also helps ensure that your immune system remains great.

Luncheons are better than late night parties

Not everyone is a fan of early get together, not knowing that you can devour a good amount of food with luncheons than dinner festivities. During the day, the body’s digestion tends to pick up easily, which allows you to burn the food down more efficiently than bulking yourself up at night, since the body naturally slows down its metabolism after the sun is down. With this hack, you won’t be banking too much holiday weight.

Allocate 30 minutes a day to some form of exercise

Some may argue that there is absolutely no time for exercise during Christmas season. However, 30 minutes is actually just about 2% of your day. Doing a quick 30-minute weight training session 5 out of 7 days will definitely set a great foundation for your body. On other days when you are at the mall doing last minute shopping, take the time to walk as much as you can. You’d be surprised how many steps you can do when shopping, and you won’t even notice the time pass.

Christmas celebrations are all about fun times and good, high quality food. Let this holiday season fill you up with good memories with the ones you love without giving your body the guilt!

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