The Story:
Prescription Drugs to Prescription Nutrition
Not long ago, I developed an energy-zapping, lifelong health condition that forced me to substantially alter my activities to the point where I could no longer live with the freedom I once had. And of course, to ensure my daily survival, I had no choice but to forever be dependent on prescription drugs and treatments.
Despite this, I believed deep down that I could somehow get better, simply because there was so much more that I had wanted to do with my life. Then, I read something that changed me forever:
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”
As I began to learn about the healing power of food, I asked my doctors if eating right could help me get my old life back. They said it would, but only if I absolutely disciplined myself. With zero hesitation, I took the challenge and my life would never again be the same – both personally and professionally.
“This new, lifelong journey towards perfect health gave me the ability to completely cure myself, to earn a nutrition diploma from Oxford College, and to embark on a mission to teach others to gain their own lives back through the healing power of food.”
– Harvie De Baron