
5 alternatives for going Meat-Free

Meat has always been the go-to source of protein for people who want to build muscle. Meat, whether it is chicken, pork, beef, turkey, etc is good because it keeps satiety levels high. It contains...

For Athletes: Should you go Paleo?

With Crossfit centers all over the metro, it is no surprise that some endurance athletes might have considered, at one point or another, to try the Paleolothic diet. The question is, does Paleo suit endurance...

Nutrition for Trail Running

Trail running is an entirely different animal from traditional running. In my personal opinion, trail running requires more meticulous planning in terms of nutrition. A trail runner has to take into consideration that aid stations...

Nutrition: The Neglected Aspect of Sports (Part 2)

Hydrate how? For every athlete, hydration is a big concern. More often than not, dehydration is a concern especially for a tropical country like the Philippines. Thus, most athletes make sure they drink a lot...

Nutrition: The Neglected Aspect of Sports (Part 1)

Every athlete dreams of racing their personal best. All preparations are made to ensure that they race to their limit. The expensive gear, hours and hours of training, topnotch coaching—these are usually what athletes spend...

How does water become toxic?

Our body is made up of about 60% water. Needless to say, water is essential for our survival. But what if the water you are drinking isn’t exactly good for you? Water, itself, doesn’t spoil...

To Ear or Not to Eat Before a Workout

Have you ever had that bloated feeling in your stomach during a workout? Chances are you ate too close to the start of your activity. Food that needs to be chewed has to go through...

For Athletes: Tips for Eating Healthy On-the-Go

The biggest challenge for any athlete, or anyone who wants to be healthy for that matter, is what to eat when traveling. Not only do you miss the luxury of having home-cooked meals, frequently eating...

The “Evolution” of the Humble Egg

I’m sure you’ve heard it all: Eggs are good, eggs are bad, just eat the whites, chuck out the yolks, blah-blah-blah. But, what exactly is the premise behind each argument? The Ancel Keys experiment In...
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