5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

boost your metabolism

For starters, what does metabolism even mean? According to Mayo Clinic, metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Our body uses energy to function well and efficiently.

These days, we may be unaware that some of our daily habits slow down our metabolism. Possibly, it maybe every person’s dream to have a fast metabolism, especially if you’re hoping to shed off some weight or just simply wanting to be fit and healthy. We cannot ignore the fact that we all age, but there are actually natural ways to boost your metabolism. Here are the easy ways to do so:


sporty woman practicing yoga, doing upward facing dog exercise


Although this is a no-brainer, exercise must be included in the list because it is the best way to boost your metabolism. By exercising, you activate your body’s ability to burn calories. It also triggers your body to produce endorphins, which gives your body a state of elation.


woman having vegetarian breakfast at work

Eat often

Think of your body as a steam engine running on coal (coal being food), without coal, the steam engine won’t run on best capacity. Just like your body, when you go through long stretches without food, you actually slow down your metabolism. By eating often, which means eating every 2-3 hours, you create a well-fueled, well-oiled machine in your body that efficiently burns fat and calories. Plus, this will boost your metabolism naturally without going hungry!


Bowl full of sugar cubes with a spoon

Avoid refined and processed food

Refined and processed food does nothing for your body except kill it slowly. Your body is not built to recognize food that is unnatural and highly processed with chemicals. So, each time you eat something that is laden with artificial, refined ingredients, your metabolism slows down because it doesn’t need to process much inside. Imagine what happens when you subject your body to a habit of regularly metabolizing food that is already processed; you’re just slowing down your body’s ability to burn food. Following this tip will help boost a slow metabolism.


Woman sleeping with a sleep mask on her eyes


Whether you believe it or not, lack of sleep can actually affect your metabolism. Studies have shown that, when you lack sleep (less than 8-9 hours), your body becomes insulin resistant. Being insulin resistant means your body doesn’t metabolize sugars as efficiently as it should. Ergo, you have more chances of storing fat. Make it a habit to sleep at least 8 hours a night and you might be surprised with the weight loss that can follow.


live stress free

Manage your stress

When you are experiencing high levels of stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Why is that bad for your metabolism? Cortisol helps you overcome stressful situations but it also slows down your digestive function, stimulates appetite (stress eating), and can interfere with your brain’s perception of satiety (the feeling of being full). All these put together may result in unwanted weight gain. So, if you are trying to achieve a certain body type and you want your metabolism to stay fast, don’t sweat the small stuff.


Bear in mind, we all have different lifestyles and levels of comfort. Better to at least try one of these tips and then see for yourself how your body adapts and your health improves.

Let us help you Transform your Health and make that first step in reaching your health goal. Contact us at Baron Method.

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